Join us aboard the MS Serenissima for this wonderful journey around Scotland’s magnificent coastline, an indented landscape of enormous natural splendour with offshore islands forming stepping stones into the Atlantic. If you have always had a hankering to visit some of the remotest and most inaccessible islands in Scotland, this is the ideal opportunity. We will sail from the port of Oban to the islands on the edge, v isiting both inhabited and uninhabited islands and places of great natural beauty, rich in birdlife, wildlife and mystical history, many with a long history dating back to the Iron Age.
With our fleet of Zodiacs we are able to visit some of the most r emote islands that surround the Scottish Coast including Canna, St Kilda, Foula and the northernmost point of the United Kingdom at Unst and land on remote beaches and cruise close to shorelines and cliffs dotted with birdlife. Few cruise ships offer the chance to explore in-depth the islands off the northern coast of Scotland and this unique cruise ventures far north to the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland Islands. We will witness vibrant colours and wonderful birdlife, explore deserted villages and learn of the history and ancient culture of unique island life.