
Solo travel

Intrepid’s Jordan Women’s Expedition

Did you know Intrepid have a range of special expeditions exclusively for women? While it’s always fun to travel with a mixed group of travellers, there are some countries where travelling with only females can give you a completely different experience. These limited-edition series of expeditions are all about breaking down barriers, encouraging discussion and […]

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5 things I learned conquering Everest Base Camp as a solo female traveller

By in Nepal, Solo travel No Comments

Original blog post featured on The Journal by Intrepid, written by Tayla Gentle. As a woman travelling solo you run the gamut of emotions; everything from liberating highs to paralysing fears can cross your adventuring path. For me, independent travel has always been an incredibly freeing experience – I am woman, hear me roar/snore/speak terrible […]

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Walking the Prosecco Hills

By in Europe, Solo travel No Comments

Written by Peregrine Travel Centre SA client Bron Gascoigne. I recently went on my first Exodus Tour – “Walking the Prosecco Hills”. With a name like that, I knew what I was getting myself in for .. or so I thought. The trip was everything I expected, and more.  Friendly people, lush countryside, outstanding architecture, […]

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