Embark on a captivating 5-day journey from Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh aboard the luxurious Mekong Navigator cruise ship, exploring the rich tapestry of life along the Mekong Delta. Begin with a scenic drive to My Tho, where your adventure starts, leading to a day filled with the exploration of Cai Be’s artisanal cottage industries and Sa Dec’s historical sites, including the inspiration behind Marguerite Duras’ novel, L’Amant. Experience the serene beauty and local customs of My An Hung village and the traditional craftsmanship of Long Khanh A Island. Enjoy a day of relaxation and cultural activities aboard the ship as you cruise towards Cambodia. The voyage culminates in Phnom Penh, where after a farewell breakfast, guests disembark, carrying with them memories of the river’s timeless landscapes and the warmth of its people.