Our unique voyage along Central America’s Pacific Coastline from Guatemala’s charming, UNESCO World Heritage City of Antigua to Puerto Limon in Costa Rica by way of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama is certainly an odyssey to some of Central America’s most picturesque and fascinating destinations. The region is imbued with colour and culture with a tremendous mix of natural beauty and historical sites. We will spend five days in Costa Rica which, although small in size has a particular topography and position between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans which results in it being one of the most biologically diverse places on earth with teeming rain forest, cloud forest, hot volcanoes and a remarkably diverse landscape and culture. Added to this is the famous wildlife of the region: spider, howler and capuchin monkeys, coatimundis and over 300 species of birds including brilliant toucans and scarlet macaws. In Nicaragua, Central America’s largest country and one that remains delightfully undiscovered we will also witness extraordinary volcanic landscapes and take in the splendours of the colonial cities, from the pastel hues of the great buildings that line the streets of Granada to the shady gardens and plazas of delightful Leon. Our flexible itinerary and knowledgeable onboard team will enable us to make the most of each day, whether we are landing on remote beaches by Zodiac, searching for endemic flowers, mammals and birds with our onboard naturalists, meeting with members of indigenous tribes or learning about the colonial and often turbulent history of the region and of course not forgetting what will be one of the highlights for many, our daylight transit through the iconic Panama Canal.