Experience the high Arctic summer solstice with an expedition that visits some of the top sites of eastern Spitsbergen. Our goal is to take you to amazing glaciers, fascinating historical sites, bountiful seabird colonies, and sprawling fjord systems in which there is a good chance of spotting whales, seals, and possibly even polar bears.
Long hikes are for groups of 24 passengers maximum, accompanied by two armed expedition staff and a Zodiac that will sail ahead to watch for polar bears along the shoreline. Passengers who join this activity should have the willingness and ability to walk at least 15 km (9 miles) in semi-rough terrain that includes shorelines, tundra, low hills, and river crossings. Walks will take around six hours from start to finish, rest times included. We will walk at a modest pace and not cross any alpine terrain. Passengers who do not take part in long walks will have a landing in the morning at the start point of the walk, then sail to the end point of the walk for their second landing in the afternoon.
Interested in doing something good for the environment?
We welcome you to participate in our ongoing effort to remove plastic waste and other rubbish from the shores of Spitsbergen.
Garbage from the ocean, such as fishing gear and plastic litter, piles up on these shores. This litter is hazardous to the animals, which get entangled in fish nets and sometimes ingest micro-plastics that can lead to starvation and suffocation.
Supported by AECO and the governor of Spitsbergen, we enjoy cleaning the beaches of Svalbard with our passengers. All participants will be assisted by our guides and provided with collection bags. About 50 passengers will clean in the morning while the other 50 have their excursion in another area. Then in the afternoon, the groups switch roles. And if we cannot clean a certain area because of roaming bears or other concerns, we will find an alternate area.