Embark on an Arctic adventure starting in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, where you’ll explore the charming town center and visit the Svalbard Museum. After a comfortable hotel stay, board the MV Sea Spirit for a journey of exploration and discovery. Following informative briefings and introductions, the expedition sets sail to circumnavigate the Svalbard archipelago, tracing the footsteps of legendary explorers like Amundsen, Nobile, and Andrée. Along the way, you’ll encounter pristine landscapes, deep fjords, immense glaciers, and abundant wildlife, including polar bears, Arctic foxes, and seabirds. Highlights include Ny Ålesund, Virgohamna, Kvitøya, and the remote Northeast Svalbard Nature Reserve. The expedition concludes back in Longyearbyen after a memorable voyage filled with historical insights and breathtaking scenery.