Embark on a captivating journey through the British Isles, starting in Edinburgh and venturing into the Orkney and Shetland archipelagos. Explore the ancient treasures of Orkney, including the impressive St Magnus Cathedral, and witness the diverse birdlife on Fair Isle. Lerwick’s historic town and the remarkable archaeological sites on Mainland Shetland add cultural depth to the expedition.
Continue the adventure to the remote islands of Papa Stour and Foula, where birdwatching and rich folklore await. The Faroe Islands, designated as “authentic and unspoiled,” offer stunning landscapes, Viking heritage, and a visit to the capital, Tórshavn. Concluding with a day at sea filled with onboard lectures, the expedition concludes in Edinburgh, leaving travelers with a profound appreciation for the unique history, culture, and natural wonders of the British Isles.
Our Reservation Specialist Ellen went on this trip in 2024, to talk to her about it please email
[email protected]