
Antarctica, South Georgia, and the Falklands aboard NG Explorer

Antarctica, South Georgia, and the Falklands aboard NG Explorer

From AUD $34,000


This voyage has it all: the impossible beauty of the Antarctic ice, the vast king penguin colonies of South Georgia, and the Falklands’ amazing albatross colonies. Not even the mass migrations of Africa can rival the awesomeness of seeing a king penguin colony of tens of thousands individuals stretching as far as the eye can see. You’ll have other rare sightings here too: massive, in both senses of the word, herds of elephant seals: and a wandering albatross stretching its 11-foot wings. It’s the impossible beauty of an Antarctica trip exponentially increased by unimaginable numbers of animals. For most travelers, visiting Antarctica is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. So for those with the luxury of time, including the Falklands and South Georgia just makes sense. And it makes for a genuine experience of a lifetime.

Trip Name
Antarctica, South Georgia, and the Falklands aboard NG Explorer
Vessel Type: Luxury Expedition Length: 108 meters Passenger Capacity: 148 (single & twin cabins) Built / Refurbished: 1982 / 2008 National Geographic Explorer is a state-of-the-art expedition ship. It is a fully stabilized, ice-class vessel, enabling it to navigate polar passages while providing exceptional comfort. It carries kayaks and a fleet of Zodiac landing craft. An Undersea Specialist operates a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and sophisticated video equipment, extending access to the underwater world. Public areas: Bistro Bar; Chart Room; Restaurant; Global Gallery; Library, Lounge with full service bar and state-of-the-art facilities for films, slideshows and presentations; Mud Room with lockers for expedition gear, and Observation Lounge. Our “Open Bridge” provides guests an opportunity to meet our Officers and Captain and learn about navigation. Meals: Served in single seatings with unassigned tables for an informal atmosphere and easy mingling. Menu is international with local flair. Cabins: All cabins face outside with windows or portholes, private facilities and climate controls. Expedition Equipment: Zodiac landing craft, kayaks, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), hydrophone, SplashCam, underwater video camera, Crow’s Nest remote controlled camera, video microscope, snorkeling gear. Special Features: A full-time doctor, Undersea Specialist, LEX Photo Specialist and Video Chronicler, Internet Cafe and laundry. Wellness: The vessel is staffed by two Wellness Specialists and features a glass enclosed Fitness Center, outdoor stretching area, two LEXspa treatment rooms and Sauna.


Day 1 - DAY 1: Overnight Hotel in Buenos Aires (Explorer/Endurance) or Santiago (Resolution) Arrive in Buenos Aires (Explorer/Endurance) or Santiago (Resolution).
Settle into the Alvear ArtHotel (or similar, Explorer) or Alvear Icon Hotel (orsimilar, Endurance) before seeing the city’sBeaux-Arts palaces and the famous balconyassociated with Eva Perón. Or check into theMandarin Oriental Santiago (or similar, Resolution)before our guided overview of this vibrant citybacked by the inspiring Andes. Discover sites likethe Plaza de Armas and get a feel for the mix ofold and new that makes this city so great. Thisarea is excellent for photography! (L)
Day 2 - DAY 2: Fly to Ushuaia / Embark
Today we fly south to Ushuaia, the southernmostcity in the world, where we meet our ship.Ushuaia’s spectacular setting, between the jaggedpeaks of the Darwin Range and the protectedwaters of the Beagle Channel, makes it anappropriately wild place to begin our journey to theWhite Continent and a great destination in its ownright. While we’re there, we visit Tierra del FuegoNational Park, where we can hike in a beautifulforest of southern beech, very much like those thatcovered Antarctica millions of years ago. Lunchwill be served onboard a private catamaran whilecruising the Beagle Channel, where we’ll be on thelookout for huge South American sea lions andbirds like imperial cormorants. Residents ofUshuaia often call their small city ‘El Fin DelMundo’, The End of the World, but for us it’s justthe beginning. (B,L,D)
Day 3 - DAY 3: At Sea Crossing the Drake Passage
This 500-mile-wide strait between South Americaand the Antarctic Peninsula is one of the mostfamous bodies of water in the world. Sometimesferocious, sometimes flat calm, the Drake isalways a fascinating place in its own right. Thispart of the journey is our best opportunity to seegorgeous seabirds like the wandering albatross,and we might be lucky enough to encounter killerwhales or rare species of dolphins. This is also aday to get to know our ship and prepare for theadventures ahead. Visit the Bridge (a great placeto spot wildlife), have a relaxing massage, attend atalk about the biology of the penguins you’ll soonbe seeing, or settle into a comfy chair in theobservation lounge, look out over the waves andreflect on the incredible history of this fabledpassage. If it does get a little rough, just take acouple of nice naps; we’ll be in Antarctica beforeyou know it. (B,L,D)
Day 4 - DAY 4: Exploring Antarctica
Some ships that visit Antarctica just cruise by andhave a look, but we have a very different way ofexperiencing this remarkable region. By taking fulladvantage of all the capabilities of our world-classexpedition ship, we can offer a very intimateconnection with this wildest of places, immersingourselves in the polar world and filling all oursenses with the beauty and excitement of theAntarctic. In the spirit of a genuine expedition, wealways keep our schedule flexible so that we cantake best advantage of every opportunity theWhite Continent offers us. We plan to be out daily, exploring in our Zodiacs, hiking at penguincolonies, discovering remote bays, photographingwildlife, and learning fascinating details from thenaturalists and other experts who accompany uson every excursion.The Antarctic Peninsula stretches over 800 milesfrom north to south, a spine of craggy peaks cut bydozens of deep fjords. It’s an enormous regionwith many different faces and ever-changingweather, which is what makes LindbladExpeditions’ long experience here so important.Over five decades of exploration have given us anunparalleled knowledge of the region, allowing usto respond to changing conditions, turn on a dimeand select the optimal activity for each day.(B,L,D)
Day 5 - DAY 5: Exploring Antarctica
Ice! It’s probably the very first thing most peoplethink about when the topic of Antarctica comes up,and once you’re here it never disappoints. Fromicebergs the size of islands to the fragile, nearlyinvisible layers glistening on the surface where thesea has just begun to freeze, from near-verticalglaciers pouring down the slopes of everymountain to the endless landscapes of sea ice,and frozen ocean stretching to the horizon in everydirection, ice defines the Antarctic. You’ll get toknow it up close and personal, hiking, kayakingand cruising in the Zodiacs through this frozenworld. (B,L,D)
Day 6 - DAY 6: Exploring Antarctica
Our sturdy Zodiac landing craft are really the heartand soul of our explorations in the Antarctic.These tough, stable little motorized boatsmaneuver easily through ice-choked waters,getting us ashore safely in even the most remoteand challenging locations. And simply cruising inthe Zodiacs is just as much fun. What’s around thenext corner? A leopard seal relaxing on an ice floeor a chance to photograph an exquisite archediceberg that no one has ever seen before? Wenever know until we get there, but it’s always athrill. (B,L,D)
Day 7 - DAY 7: Exploring Antarctica
Penguins, without any doubt, are the most popularresidents of Antarctica, and we’ll have manychances to get to know them well. Their coloniesare almost always close to the beach, so it’s veryeasy to get great photos. In the short Antarcticsummer these amazing birds are always busy withthe many tasks of breeding and raising theirchicks, so every month brings something new. InNovember the adults are squabbling over thepebbles they use to build their nests. By lateDecember the first chicks are tucked in under theirparents, peeping out at the world. And in Februarythe chicks have left their nests and are very active,learning to swim and getting ready to fend forthemselves. (B,L,D)
Day 8 - DAY 8: Exploring Antarctica
Everywhere we go in the Antarctic we’resurrounded by opportunities to capture uniquelybeautiful images with our cameras. Whether weare cruising past spectacular glaciers in the ship, getting close to seals in the Zodiacs or hikingaround the penguin colonies, we are always in thecompany of an expert National Geographicphotographer and a Lindblad photo instructor whoshare what they see and help us to perfect boththe art and the technique of our own photography.The impossibly gorgeous blue in the heart of aniceberg, a penguin tenderly feeding its tiny chick ora glorious sunset over frozen ocean, shots likethese surround us every day. Learning to capturethese perfect moments is both a wonderfulchallenge and a huge thrill. (B,L,D)
Day 9 - DAY 9: Exploring Antarctica
Really exploring Antarctica also means simplyrelaxing and watching while our ships cruisethrough some of the most spectacular scenery onEarth. Grab a cup of cocoa and a comfortable seatin the Observation Lounge or visit the officers onthe Bridge; bundle up and climb all the way up tothe Monkey Deck for a really panoramic view orjust kick back in your cabin and watch for seals onice or whales blowing in the distance. We maketransits of world-famous passages like theLemaire Channel and Antarctic Sound, but wealso visit equally amazing places that you’ve neverheard of, yet! (B,L,D)
Day 10 - DAY 10-11: At Sea Toward South Georgia
Setting out from the South Shetland Islands toSouth Georgia, we are following in the wake of SirErnest Shackleton’s epic voyage in the JamesCaird, across 800 miles of the wild and lonelyScotia Sea. But we won’t be lonely at all—thesewaters are home to a large and growingpopulation of whales, including fin whales,southern right whales and even blue whales, thelargest animal on Earth. Albatross and petrelswing past the ship, providing us with anotherwonderful challenge for photography, whilepresentations from the expedition team help toprepare us for the mind-bending wildlifespectacles of South Georgia.Days at sea are not simply transits from one placeto another; they are in their own right a veryimportant part of this epic journey. The crossingfrom the Antarctic Peninsula to South Georgiagives us a chance to stop and breathe, to explorethe amenities of the ship and to spend a little timecontemplating all our new memories. Lifechanging experiences tend to pile up on oneanother in the Antarctic, so slow down a bit and letit all settle in. This is a great time to catch up withyour journal, enjoy a rejuvenating massage, ordownload and review all those hundreds (orthousands!) of photos. Get some rest too, whenwe get to South Georgia it’s going to be go, go,go! (B,L,D)
Day 11 - DAY 12: South Georgia Island
Simply put, there is nowhere else in the world likeSouth Georgia. Ninety miles long, dominated by aspine of jagged peaks and home to wildlifespectacles that are honestly hard to believe, it isone of the wildest and most beautiful places on theplanet. Our days here will give us plenty of time toexplore many facets of this unique sub-Antarcticisland, including its storied history, rich ecology(you’ll probably be surprised by the green slopesof tussock grass below the glaciers) and the stunning scenery that surrounds us at everylanding. (B,L,D)
Day 12 - DAY 13: South Georgia Island
King penguins, the second largest species in theworld, are unquestionably the most iconic wildlifeof South Georgia. Exact numbers are not known,but the largest single colony on the island mayhave as many as 500,000 of these amazing birds.Half a million birds! Nesting together on a singletwo-mile-long beach! It’s a sight that is genuinelyinconceivable until you have experienced it inperson. At the other end of the scale, kingpenguins are great birds to get to know asindividuals. Strutting purposefully past ourcameras on the beaches or coming and going inand out of the surf, they seem to regard us with awonderful mixture of curiosity and disdain. (B,L,D)
Day 13 - DAY 14: South Georgia Island
For many, South Georgia evokes, more thatanything, the epic adventures of Sir ErnestShackleton, who reached the island after makingthe crossing from Elephant Island in the JamesCaird—still one of the most incredible small-boatjourneys ever attempted. From Peggotty Bluff,where he began the arduous crossing of theglaciated spine of the island, to his quiet gravenear the Grytviken whaling station, Shackleton’sspirit seems to be everywhere around the island.In very good conditions we may even be able tomake a long hike up to the spot where he firstheard the noon whistle from the Stromness Stationand knew that rescue was close at hand at last.(B,L,D)
Day 14 - DAY 15: South Georgia Island
In the not-too-distant past, South Georgia was animportant site for both whaling and sealing, buttoday things are very different. The contrastbetween watching from the ship while southernright whales feed below the blue face of a hugeiceberg, and then hiking through the rustingremains of a whaling station later the same day,can be a powerfully moving experience and onethat emphasizes the very positive changes that theisland has seen in the last few decades. Invasivespecies have been removed, rare birds aregrowing more and more common, whales arereturning in ever-greater numbers, and our ownvisits have become an important factor in thissuccessful conservation. (B,L,D)
Day 15 - DAY 16: South Georgia Island
Every minute at South Georgia is anotheropportunity for truly life-changing experiences.Landing before dawn to see the pink light ofsunrise touch the mountains over a king penguincolony. Quietly watching as a wandering albatross,with its 11-foot wingspan, settles onto her nest andthinking of endless miles of ocean that she hasseen. Capturing incredible images of three-ton bullelephant seals jousting on a lonely beach. SouthGeorgia is sometimes called “the Serengeti of theSouthern Ocean”, but that doesn’t really evencome close—this lonely island is unique in theworld, so rich and so beautiful that it defies anycomparison. (B,L,D)
Day 16 - DAY 17-18: At Sea Toward the Falkland Islands
Our first day at sea on the way to the FalklandIslands is another opportunity to think back overthe adventures of the past few days and makepreparations for those soon to come. Spend sometime chatting about your latest images with theNational Geographic photographer and learn tomake them look their best in the digital darkroom.Put the finishing touches on your watercolor of thatamazing iceberg or try to capture an albatross’sflight in a poem. Everyone needs to exhale a bitafter a visit to South Georgia, so take a little timeto explore the details of your own memories andshare them with your shipmates.The bridge is the nerve center of the ship, in moreways than one. There’s always a congenialatmosphere there, whether you’ve come to askone of the officers about navigation or just to sitand watch the world go by with binoculars in hand.The waters close to the Falkland Islands are richwith marine wildlife, so this is a great time to hangout with the naturalists and keep a watch for raredolphins or another beautiful species of albatross.All new sightings go up on the white board for theday’s record! (B,L,D Daily)
Day 17 - DAY 19: Falkland Islands
Stanley, the bright, pretty capital of the FalklandIslands, is a wonderfully unexpected place: acharming outpost of British culture tucked into asmall bay on the shore of these windswept islandsin the far South Atlantic. Many Falkland Islandersstill live in very traditional ways, and we’ll have achance to visit a small farm to see some expertsheep shearing and learn about the besttechniques for cutting blocks of peat for the fire.The rocky hills and white sand beaches outsidetown offer some excellent hikes, and afterwards acup of tea or a pint at the Globe Tavern goes downvery nicely. (B,L,D)
Day 18 - DAY 20: Falkland Islands
Everything we love about expedition travel seemsto come together in the western Falkland Islands.Where else can you land on a beach tucked into arocky cove, hike out across a rolling green pastureand suddenly find yourself at the crest of a sea clifflooking out over the South Atlantic surf? Just a fewsteps further and you’re standing at the edge of abreeding colony of black-browed albatross, soclose that you can hear the wind on their wings asthey swoop into land beside you. Take time tocapture images of the rockhopper penguins andthen it’s time to head back down to the settlementfor a well-deserved farm tea—which means lotsand lots and lots of delicious cakes, cookies andfresh scones! (B,L,D)
Day 19 - DAY 21: At Sea to Ushuaia, Argentina
The final day of our expedition takes us across theshallow waters of the Falklands Shelf, back to ourstarting point in Ushuaia. Attend presentationsfrom the expedition staff on topics that help to sumup all the wonderful details of our experiences inthe far south and spend some time on deckenjoying the seabirds and dolphins that makethese seas their home. This is a day for contemplation as well. A time to think back overour adventures, reflect on what the Antarcticmeans to you, how it has changed you and whatthoughts and feelings you’ll take back to sharewith those at home. The Antarctic stays with you.Sometime soon, at a moment in the midst of astressful day, you’ll remember the feeling of thepolar wind, the sight of waves crashing against theblue wall of an iceberg, and the sound of thepenguins calling to their chicks. It’s a little bit ofpeace that you’ll carry with you always. (B,L,D)
Day 20 - DAY 22: Disembark Ushuaia / Fly to Buenos Aires (Explorer/Endurance) or Santiago (Resolution) / Home
Today we disembark in Ushuaia. Fly by privatecharter flight to Buenos Aires or Santiago andconnect with your overnight flight home. (B,L)
Day 21 - Please Note:
Some departures may have aslightly modified itinerary. Please confirmdeparture and arrival cities with an ExpeditionSpecialist before booking your flights.

Trip Dates

StartEndPrice FromRoom Type
08-11-202329-11-2023AUD $34,000Category 1
08-11-202329-11-2023AUD $36,550Category 2
08-11-202329-11-2023AUD $38,300Category 3
08-11-202329-11-2023AUD $40,070Category 4
08-11-202329-11-2023AUD $45,570Category SA (solo)
08-11-202329-11-2023AUD $47,800Category SB (solo)
08-11-202329-11-2023AUD $49,320Category 5
08-11-202329-11-2023AUD $56,730Category 6
08-11-202329-11-2023AUD $65,850Category 7
15-02-202409-03-2024AUD $36,550Category 2
15-02-202409-03-2024AUD $38,300Category 3
15-02-202409-03-2024AUD $40,070Category 4
15-02-202409-03-2024AUD $45,570Category SA (solo)
15-02-202409-03-2024AUD $47,800Category SB (solo)
15-02-202409-03-2024AUD $49,320Category 5
15-02-202409-03-2024AUD $56,730Category 6
15-02-202409-03-2024AUD $65,850Category 7
15-02-202409-03-2024AUD $34,000Category 1
30-10-202420-11-2024AUD $34,000Category 1
30-10-202420-11-2024AUD $36,550Category 2
30-10-202420-11-2024AUD $38,300Category 3
30-10-202420-11-2024AUD $40,070Category 4
30-10-202420-11-2024AUD $45,570Category SA (solo)
30-10-202420-11-2024AUD $47,800Category SB (solo)
30-10-202420-11-2024AUD $49,320Category 5
30-10-202420-11-2024AUD $56,730Category 6
30-10-202420-11-2024AUD $65,850Category 7
07-02-202528-02-2025AUD $35,330Category 1
07-02-202528-02-2025AUD $37,980Category 2
07-02-202528-02-2025AUD $39,790Category 3
07-02-202528-02-2025AUD $41,630Category 4
07-02-202528-02-2025AUD $47,340Category SA (solo)
07-02-202528-02-2025AUD $49,670Category SB (solo)
07-02-202528-02-2025AUD $51,230Category 5
07-02-202528-02-2025AUD $58,930Category 6
07-02-202528-02-2025AUD $68,420Category 7


    • Trace the story of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s fateful journey in 1914 aboard Endurance, and toast his gravesite in South Georgia
    • See three distinct regions and benefit from our 50 years of experience here
    • Early November departures on all ships offer the possibility to cross-country ski and showshoe across the frozen sea ice, conditions permitting
    • Create incredible images of the ice and vast penguin colonies with help from a National Geographic photographer
