Embark on an unforgettable 8-day exploration of the Galapagos Islands, starting with Santa Cruz Island’s Bachas Beach, known for remnants of the U.S. World War II presence and vibrant wildlife. Mosquera Islet offers encounters with a thriving sea lion population, while Dragon Hill on Santa Cruz Island provides picturesque trails and diverse marine life. The journey continues to Isabela and Fernandina Islands, showcasing Tagus Cove’s historical anchorage and Espinoza Point’s unique ecosystem. Explore the uplifted landscape of Urbina Bay and the enchanting Elizabeth Bay on Isabela Island. Witness the fascinating Moreno Point’s crystal tide pools and the cultural richness of Puerto Villamil. Ascend Sierra Negra Volcano for stunning views and visit the Arnaldo Tupiza Breeding Center to observe giant tortoises. Explore Devil’s Crown and Cormorant Point on Floreana Island, known for snorkeling delights and diverse birdlife. The journey concludes with a visit to Daphne Island, a unique stop for birdwatching. After this exploration, depart from Baltra airport with memories of the Galapagos’ natural wonders and rich biodiversity.